(+39) 010 5701151

Madame Tussauds Washington D.C.


Informazioni generali

Washington, Stati Uniti

Il programma nel dettaglio

Take a stroll through U.S. history; get your photo taken in our exact replica of the Oval Office, meet all 45 Presidents and other historical icons and celebrities. Admission includes a self-guided tour and a complete visit takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes.

Its collections of waxes include: the Presidents Gallery, the Civil Rights Room, Behind the Scenes, the Glamour Room, the Sports Zone and the Media Room. The Presidents Gallery is the place where you can meet the perfect replicas in 3D of each of the 45 U.S. presidents and contains fourteen highly themed immersive rooms. Continue to the Civil Rights Room on a path of freedom and take a seat in history next to Rosa Parks.

Feel on your skin the moving words of Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King as he pronounces “I Have a Dream”. The Glamour Room is where you can mix and mingle with Hollywood’s top celebrities. In the Sports Zone you can watch Babe Ruth send it out the park, and get close to heavyweight contender Evander Holyfield. Finally, the Media Room is where you can get interviewed by Katie Couric or chat with Stephen Colbert.

Don't forget to go "Behind the Scenes" and take an exclusive look at the 250 year-old trade secrets behind Madame Tussauds' famous wax figures.