(+39) 010 5701151

Excursion to Samode and camel ride

Informazioni generali

Jaipur, India

Il programma nel dettaglio

Samode is a very small village that is known for its forts and havelis. This place is located close to the green Aravali hills. If you want to explore the best of this place then you can do it through camel ride. Depart for Camel Safari on individual gaily-decorated camels or camel

Samode is a very small village that is known for its forts and havelis. This place is located close to the green Aravali hills. If you want to explore the best of this place then you can do it through camel ride. Depart for Camel Safari on individual gaily-decorated camels or camel carts or 4x4s through the scenic countryside, open fields and village hamlets.

Experience the earthy nature of life in the desert - observe men in their imposing turbans, women in their colourful skirts and stoles, playful children scampering along. Past rocky hillocks with imposing forts, tall dry elephant grass and sudden startled calls of a peacock or a partridge.

Meeting/pick-up point: Pick up from the hotel.

Duration: Four to five hours.

Start/opening time: At 9am and 2pm Pick up at 8am and 1pm.

Languages: English.

Starting point:
Hotel pickup

Guiding options
Guiding type: Guide