(+39) 010 5701151

Discover the Dendera Temple

Informazioni generali

Luxor, EgittoAttrazioni/Intrattenimento

Il programma nel dettaglio

Pick up from hotel escorted by English speaking guide and follow the police convoy to Dendarah "Arrival Dendarah -visit Dendarah temple; one of the Greco-Roman temples for the worship of goddess Hathor. It was built by King Ptolemy II and its construction was completed by the Roman Emperors. The approach path to the temple is between two Roman fountains that end at the massive entry gate. The enclosure walls are mud-brick and date to the Roman era. Within the walls are the temple, two birth houses, a Coptic Basilica, a sanatorium, a sacred lake, and a temple to Isis. The temple has a long history; there is evidence that Pepi I (Old Kingdom) rebuilt the temple while other texts refer to reconditioning by Thutmose III, Amenhotep III and Ramesses II and III (of the New Kingdom). Additions were made during the Greek, Roman and Ptolemy periods. Astronomic decoration with the symbolic representation of the sky. Back to Luxor following police convoy. Arrival at Luxor around 13:00h.

Meeting/pick-up point: Pick up from hotel.

Duration: Between three and four hours.

Start/opening time: At 8am.

Languages: English, French, Italian and Spanish.