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Ventura Inn Hotel

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Ventura Inn Hotel

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Ventura Inn Hotel

4 Estrellas 4 Estrellas Hotel
Avenida Ismael Ferreira Dos Santos, Nº 620

Limeira, Sao Paulo, Brasil


Ventura Inn Hotel offers a modern concept along with affordable rates, comfortable facilities and a privileged location right by the Anhaguera Highway. Guests can also enjoy easy access to a shopping center and downtown Limeira.
The hotel has convention facilities, meeting rooms and a restaurant along with a fitness center and onsite parking. Each guestroom is equipped with various amenities that you can enjoy throughout your business trip or vacation.CheckIn: 12:30 p.m., CheckOut: 11:30 a.m..
Taxes are included: False

Dirección: Avenida Ismael Ferreira Dos Santos, Nº 620
La ubicación en el mapa puede ser imprecisa. Recuerde de verificarla antes de emprender su viaje, utilizando la dirección especificada.