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Cinco de Mayo Hotel

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Cinco de Mayo Hotel

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Cinco de Mayo Hotel

2 Estrellas 2 Estrellas Hotel
Calle 5 de Mayo Numero 106

Queretaro, Guanajuato e Queretaro, Mexico


If you visit Queretaro and are looking for a conveniently-located hotel with affordable rate, choose Cinco de Mayo Hotel as it is located in the downtown area, close to various tourist attractions such as the main square, several museums, churches, temples and many other places of cultural interest.
This property has modest accommodation with basic amenities and a peaceful atmosphere that is perfect for relaxing, as well as hotel-wide wireless Internet access. If you want to save on your next stay in Queretaro make sure to book Cinco de Mayo Hotel.CheckIn: 3:00 p.m., CheckOut: 12:00 p.m..
Taxes are included: False

Dirección: Calle 5 de Mayo Numero 106
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