(+39) 010 5701151

San José by Night Tour


General information

San José, Costa Rica

Program details

Wine. Oh, do we need to say more? Alright, well, there’s also a ton of culture and history, a tasty local dinner, and the chance to experience San Jose’s nightlife with a local. Best. Night. Ever.

Explore San Jose by night, complete with local markets, cultural icons, and a tasty dinner with wine pairings – that’s your evening sorted! Get up close and personal with the nightlife in San Jose, starting with the Central Market, which, in our opinion, is the only way to learn about the city’s food (aside from eating it, which we’ll get to!). Stroll the market with your local guide and get to know the secrets and uses of the roots, herbs, and fruit common in local cuisines, including ingredients that will play a role in your authentic Costa Rican dinner later on. The locals say that you can get anything you need at the Central Market, even love potions for attracting a boyfriend or girlfriend…wink. After the market, we’ll make our way down Central Avenue, enjoying a trip down San Jose’s memory lane, learning about the city’s history and anecdotes, as well as visiting one of the most architecturally beautiful buildings in San Jose, the National Theatre. From there, our appreciation for San Jose’s historical architecture continues, with a walk through Morazan Park to enjoy the Metallic Building, then on to Spain Park for a fantastic view of the Yellow House (now the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

On the way we will stop at one of the main architectural jewels of the Costa Rican capital, the Steinvorth Building for an artisanal craft beer or black drink - kombucha. After we had a chance to enjoy a drink, we will continue our walk through San José´s tangible history through its buildings and streets, uncovering traces from the past converging with the present” or something like that, as we will continue exploring historic landmarks and points of interest before heading to Barrio Escalante. Escalante is a “newish” neighbourhood, it has a foot in the history of coffee production, but its architecture it's from 60s-70s, making it not the oldest but a place built during Costa Rica´s spring from 1950 to 1980. The "barrio" as locals call it, was first a coffee farm but by the 1950s became the favourite neighbourhood for the economic and political elites of the time. Nowadays, Barrio Escalante has reinvented itself and is now home to many up-and-coming restaurants and at night is a favourite meeting spot for locals and visitors alike.

We’ll be spending the rest of the evening at a favorite local restaurant that specializes in wine and gourmet food. This cozy establishment offers the best in Costa Rican cuisine, a unique space that offers art, culture and history as well as fine dining. The view from the terrace is like looking out onto an open-air museum, where 1930s architecture infuses itself with modern buildings which gives this delightful neighbourhood its eclectic charm. Between your tasty three-course meal and wines that go down a treat, you’ll be ending the evening in fine fashion, feeling every bit the San Jose local. If you’d like to continue the evening in Guachipelin, your local guide will be happy to provide suggestions on where to head, but if not, they can assist you with getting a taxi back to San Jose.

Important information – There may be restrictions

We reserve the right to change the itinerary and locations within the tour.

Food inclusions are subject to change, depending on the availability of the day.