(+39) 010 5701151

Magical town: Zacatlan and Chingnahuapan

General information

Puebla, MexicoSightseeing Tours

Program details

We begin our tour with a stop at Chignahuapan, Magical town, whose main industry is manufacturing Christmas spheres, so we will visit a workshop and watch the process. In this same town, we will visit Concepcion virgin wich is 12 meters tall.
Later we will go towards Piedras Encimadas, a valley where the wind has sculpted rocks in capricious forms that seem the faces off different characters. Finally, we will visit Zacatlán Magical Town, knowing the factory of fruit wines, clock museum and take a city tour.

Meeting/pick-up point: Pick up at hotel.

Duration: 14 hours.

Start/opening time: At 7.30am.

End/closing time: At 8.30pm.

Languages: English and Spanish.