(+39) 010 5701151

Horseback Riding Adventures

General information

Las Vegas, United StatesSightseeing Tours

Program details

Step into the boots of pioneers, cowboys and early explorers on our horseback riding adventures. Our tours are suited for amateurs and professionals alike, so even if you have no experience in riding, you will be sure to enjoy a trot through the dramatic landscapes of the Wild West.

On the Maverick Breakfast Ride you first enjoy an authentic western-style breakfast upon arriving at the ranch. After that, saddle up and head off into the desert, made more beautiful by the colours of sunrise. With this early morning trip, you embody the romantic figure of the lone ranger. You will also visit a cowboy town and a petting zoo.

If you join our Ol’ Spanish Trail Lunch Ride, you will ride along the same dusty trails once ridden upon by the West’s most famous outlaws, including the renowned Ol’ Spanish Trail. This single stretch of road used to go from Santa Fe to Pueblo de Los Angeles in the mid 1800’s. Return then to the ranch in time for a hearty cowboy lunch. Here you will also visit the cowboy town and petting zoo.

Last but not least, on the Wild West Sunset Dinner Ride you will ride off into a great adventure in Nevada’s desert wilderness. Feel the same reverence for the land displayed by Paiute Native American tribe and legendary cowboys in ages past. Keep your eyes and ears wide open at all times, for you might spot a jackrabbit or hear the howl of a coyote. Finally, contemplate a spectacular sunset you will never forget.

Meeting/pick-up point: Complimentary pick up from hotels on Las Vegas Strip only.
Duration: Horseback riding is approximately 1 hour.
Start/opening time: Breakfast Ride at 7.30am - 8am, Lunch Ride at 1am - 1.30am and Dinner Ride at 5pm - 5.30pm.
Languages: English.
Others: Children must be 6 years and older.