(+39) 010 5701151

Gaudí Centre in Reus

General information

Salou, Spain

Program details

The Gaudi Centre Reus is a tribute by the town of his birth to its most famous son. This state of the art facility is equipped with the latest in audiovisual technology; you’ll learn to observe, touch and listen in a different way. You'll find a a different kind of tour; a fascinating journey which will immerse you in the magical world and boundless creativity of the great architect. If you’re already familiar with the splendour of his works, there is still plenty to discover!

You’ll gain a better understanding of the brilliant architectural language of some of Gaudí’s most important works. Discover Gaudí’s Enigmas and enjoy Universal Gaudí, a 360º multi-screen audiovisual show. Experience Gaudí’s creative mechanisms through interactive models and find out how ways nature inspired him to create a thousand and one incredible shapes: snails that are staircases, ferns that are handrails, reptiles that are fountains.

Located right in the heart of the city's historic centre and shopping district, the Gaudí Centre is a new interpretative space that helps people of all ages to understand the keys to the architecture of Antoni Gaudí, discover how his creative genius took shape, and get to know the city and surroundings that inspired him. The centre is in a three-storey building that invites visitors to set out on a fascinating journey through time, space and sensation, and to discover Gaudí the man and Gaudí the genius. Each space has a central focus, and through the many different elements on display (interactive gadgets, documents, and personal objects) visitors are introduced to Gaudí's world in a way that is both educational and active, opening the senses and mind to new experiences.

Meeting point: Plaza del Mercadal, 3.
Start or opening time: 10am (Sundays and Bank Holidays, 11am.
End or closing time: Depending on season.
Languages: Audio guides available in different languages. Spanish, Catalan, English and French.